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Dr Zavos

Why would someone seek a second opinion?
In most occasions, medical advice can get complex but when you get an opportunity to speak to a professional with great background and expertise it can put your worries to rest and make your treatment go smoother, better, less painful and stressful and get you positive results.


Where can I see or visit with Dr. Zavos?
Feel free to contact us from anywhere in the world to get a second opinion on your medical care in the field of your reproductive health. Prof. Zavos will review your medical records, X-rays, laboratory tests and other information that you supply and inform you via various means about his opinion. Periodically, the Professor as he travels the globe, he makes stops at locations like London, Athens, Cyprus, Dubai, New Delhi, Bangkok, Rio de Janeiro and others and we may schedule patients for him to consult with at such locations, when feasible.  Incidentally, all of the consultations are performed either in person or via Skype (for our out of town patients) by Prof. Zavos himself.



Your first step starts here

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